Fri06Dec2013Royal Hawaiian Hotel
In a presentation for the Federal Bar Association's Fifth Annual FBA Hawaii Conference, Simeon H. Baum takes a look at the current intersection of Dispute Resolution and Discovery. Mr. Baum finds that in addition to the regularly perceived benefits o …
Fri15Nov2013Utica, New York
Mr. Baum, joined by two Dentons lawyers, Steve Marshall and Brian Cousins, presented a one-day mediation training for Northern District of New York commercial mediators. The all-day training was held at the elegant Hotel Utica, in scenic upstate New …
Wed18Sep2013Philadelphia Bar Institute Conference Center
Wed12Jun2013Thu13Jun2013Fordham University School of Law
Supplementing the three-day commercial mediation trainings given for over 20 years, Simeon Baum and Steve Hochman presented a Two-Day Advanced Commercial Mediation training to those wishing to serve as mediators for the NY State Court's Commercial Di …
Wed03Apr2013Fairmont Millenium, Chicago
As program moderator and panelist at the American Bar Association's Dispute Resolution Section presentation on Dispute Resolution and e-Discovery, Simeon H. Baum takes a look at the current intersection of Dispute Resolution and e-Discovery. Mr. Baum …