Event Information:
Dispute Resolution and E-Discovery
Mr. Baum moderated a very interesting program concerning the emerging field of e-discovery as it relates to dispute resolution, aptly entitled Dispute Resolution and E-Discovery, which is based on the 2nd edition of Thomson Reuters/Westlaw’s book by the same name. The book is edited by Daniel Garrie and Yoav Griver, who happen to be two speakers on this program’s panel. Mr. Baum penned a chapter in the book entitled “Mediation and Discovery,” which can be found here: http://www.nadn.org/articles/BAUM-DisputeResolutionE-Discovery.pdf
Mr. Baum led an interactive discussion among panelists and all participants which featured topics on mediation and discovery, key word mediation to facilitate efficient and effective electronic discovery, and e-discovery in JAMS and AAA arbitration. The CLE event was capped by a cocktail reception, which ensured that the lively discussions continued well after the program ended.
The program was presented through the Federal Bar Association’s Southern District of New York Chapter, and was co-sponsored by the FBA’s Alternative Dispute Resolution Section, the New York State Bar Association’s Dispute Resolution Section and Commercial & Federal Litigation Section.