Event Information:
Sat03Oct2009The Sagamore Resort, Bolton Landing, New York
Negotiation Skills: Tips on How to Negotiate and Acquire Negotiation Skills
For the Fall 2009 meeting of the New York State Bar Association Dispute Resolution Section in conjunction with the Labor & Employment Law Section, Simeon H. Baum made this presentation on how to negotiate and acquire negotiation skills.
Focusing on methods of skill acquisition, Mr. Baum encourages listeners to Nosce Te Ipsum (Know Yourself), Nosce Alius (Know the Other), and Nosce Mundus (Know the World). This process-based approach encourages negotiators to cultivate creativity, openness, and flexibility in the hopes that richer possibilities may emerge from a deal than might have first been imagined.
For a written version of this talk, please click below:
How to Negotiate and Acquire Negotiation Skills