Event Information:
Tue14Jun2011Wed15Jun2011Fordham University School of Law
Sixth Annual Fordham Law School Conference on International Arbitration and Mediation
Mr. Baum participated in a conference led by Director Arthur W. Rovine which brought together leading international arbitrators, mediators, practitioners, and scholars to discuss contemporary issues in international arbitration and mediation. Mr. Baum focused his comments on mediation as a forum for working out the norms of justice and harmony. Mr. Baum highlighted the dangers of selling ADR, and mediation in particular, by stressing benefits in terms of cost, delay and outcome. Instead, Mr. Baum emphasized the quality and process opportunities in mediation.
Given the international flavor of the conference, Mr. Baum offered examples of a shift from thinking of mediation as a forum for appreciating and understanding cultural differences to going further and drawing on cultural treasures to enhance, clarify, and design the mediation process itself, and to guide the mediator. Mr. Baum referenced both Taoist and Confucian sources as guides for mediation.
In connection with the conference, Mr. Baum authored an article entitled “Hawking Our Wares in the Marketplace of Values – Sell Quality Not Cost When Promoting Mediation; the Interplay of Global Norms of Justice and Harmony in the Mediation Forum,” which was published in Contemporary Issues in International Arbitration and Mediation: The Fordham Papers 2011, edited by Arthur W. Rovine. The article can be found here: